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Fungi can attack nails or the skin under the nail leading to a fungal infection. This can change the look and texture of the nail. Nails can turn yellow, white, or brown, become thick and brittle, split, and even separate from the skin. Treating fungal nails may be very difficult or even not possible. However we are able to manage and prevent the spread of fungus to other nails and other members of your family.

Fungi love dark, moist areas so:

  1. Wash your feet daily and dry between your toes.

  2. Wear a clean pair of socks daily and change socks if your feet get sweaty.

  3. Do not wear wet shoes

  4. Do not share personal items such as nail files, clippers, socks.

  5. Wear non slip flip flops or sandals in wet public areas such as pools.

  6. When receiving foot care or visiting a nail salon. Choose a provider that sterilizes instruments.

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Fungus after.jpg


Fungal Nail Infections. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Fungal Nail Infections. HealthLinkBC. n.d.

Book an appointment for yourself or your loved ones in the comfort and privacy of your home.

Corns / Calluses


Corns and calluses are areas of thick skin caused by repetitive pressure and friction and can be very painful. Repetitive friction in one area causes the skin to die and form a hard protective surface. Some pressure areas may even bleed leaving a darkened area under the callus or corn. Footwear contributes greatly to the presence of corns or calluses. For individuals with corns in between their toes or on the outer areas of their 1st or 5th digits we recommend shoes with a wider toe box to prevent toes from pressing against each other. For individuals with hammer toes or claw toes which cause reddened areas or calluses/corns on the top of toes we recommend shoes with deeper toe box which prevents toes from pressing against the top of the shoe.

Some feet are unfortunately more prone to corns and calluses due to their anatomy. It is important for these individuals to see a foot care nurse every 6 weeks to remove corns and calluses in order to prevent complications and to mobilize without pain.

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Corn 4.png

Reference: Calluses and Corns. HealthLinkBC. n.d.




According to Diabetes Canada 29% of Canadians live with diabetes or pre-diabetes. Those with diabetes have either have difficulty producing insulin or using the insulin produced by the body. Insulin regulates the amount of glucose (sugar) in the body. High blood sugar levels can cause damage to organs, nerves, and blood vessels.

Diabetes can cause peripheral neuropathy where nerves are damaged and therefore cannot detect pressure, heat or cold. Diabetes can also cause poor circulation to legs and feet. This can be very problematic if a cut goes unnoticed leading to an ulcer or infection. More drastic complications can include gangrene and in the worst cases can lead to amputation. It is important to regularly check your feet everyday and ensure you are receiving appropriate foot care to avoid such potential complications.


Here is a list of things you can do to monitor your feet health at home:


1. Check your feet every day for cuts, cracks, sores, infected toenails, or bruises. If bending is difficult you can use a mirror.

2. Wash your feet every day. Don’t soak your feet as it can lead to dry skin and cracks.

3. Dry well in between your toes

4. Moisturize your feet to prevent cracks and dry skin. Wipe off excess cream and don’t apply cream in between your toes.

5. Use talcum powder if your feet sweat a lot.

6. Wear proper fitting shoes and socks.

  • Avoid wearing shoes with tight toe boxes that can put pressure on your toes.

  • Wear a clean pair of socks every day and avoid socks with tight elastic at the top as it can restrict circulation.


Foot Care Info-Sheet for Seniors. Public Health Agency of Canada. n.d.

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